Airstream Dreams


Do you have any daydreams that seem far-fetched, yet you keep returning to them again and again? For me, it’s owning and remodeling a little camper/RV for summer road trips. Despite its many impracticalities, it’s something that I return to month after month, pinning ideas, researching carpentry techniques and bookmarking the best campground sites. And now that I’m teaching and will have 5+ weeks off every summer, my daydreams have reached a new fervor.

Recently, one of my girlfriends, Andy, stayed in a 1969 Caravel Airstream and I fell in love. It was the perfect size for 1-2 people, with a comfy queen-sized bed, breakfast nook, and plenty of space for storage. There wasn’t a bathroom or shower, or enough space for furry travel companions, but I was so head over heels that it didn’t even seem to matter (sorry, Benson!).

The airstream was parked on the owner’s urban farm, which had goats, chickens, ducks, a dog and a cat. It was ideal, although with a $47/night price tag (which increases to up to $75/night on weekends/holidays), they’d clearly decided to turn their airstream into a lucrative business rather than a means of getting away.


After her visit, I spent a few hours researching Caravels, trying to figure out how to have my own. Of course, most used models (1969) have a $15k+ price tag and although Airstream recently revived their Caravel line, their 2020 model starts at $60,900. Yikes.

Realistically, I’m not sure that I could even handle such a huge undertaking. Most remodels involve, at minimum, cleaning/de-greasing, sanding, painting, updating hardware, and reupholstering furniture. And that’s assuming that the RV doesn’t have water damage, which is a common and costly occurrence. But I can dream, right?

Here are a few photos from the “aesthetics” section of my secret RV Pinterest board:

Maybe one day I’ll have my camper/RV (I’ve already decided to name her “The Hummingbird”), but for now, it’s just a daydream that I love to indulge in. Do you have any technically-realistic-but-somewhat-impractical daydreams? Tell me below! xx


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