Gratitude | What October Brings
Photography by Devon Rae Jones
Already, October has been good to me. Its crisp air, cold rains, and softening earth comfort my spirit in a way that only nature, and it's reminder that everything inevitably changes, can. This past weekend I strung Christmas lights across my room, grabbed a poetry book, and burrowed deep beneath my blankets. I listened to the rain tap against my window while snacking on dried apricots and licking the stickiness from my finger tips. After too many glasses of red wine, I drunkenly journaled:
"I am wine drunk as I write this, Solange's 'A Seat at the Table' playing softly in the background, the low murmur of voices - Rebecca and her date - creating soft vibrations. I feel joyful in this moment. Spending Saturday [night] by myself, my Christmas lights finally up, room smelling of cinnamon and apple. In this moments, the love I have for myself swells. I am an ocean at the crest of its wave. I feel powerful and all-knowing, intuitive and brave. This love is astounding."
October and November will be dedicated to self love. I want to do something every week that makes me feel like the best version of my Self. I want the love that I have for myself to continue to swell. So far, I've asked a woman that I admire and respect on a friend date, packed and prepared for Portugal, bought tickets to see Zadie Smith speak, made an appointment with a tattoo artist I love (Tati Compton), registered for a pass to The National Museum of African American History and Culture (I'll be taking a solo weekend trip to D.C.), and plan to schedule a 30-minute tarot card reading with Tatianna Tarot. This list is only the beginning of what I want to see and do. I feel full with creative energy. I'm ready to spend time with myself and learn even more about who I am, what I am seeking, and who/how I want to be.
How has October been feeling for you? x